Text Box: The Post Polio Support Group of Maine is a private, non-profit 501 [c] (3) organization.  We offer the latest information on the late effects of polio to more than nine hundred polio survivors, their families, and health care providers throughout Northern New England and parts of Canada.  Support comes from our members, donations from the public, and from a grant furnished by the Pine Tree Society.  For more information, contact us at:
The Post Polio Support Group of Maine
c/o 674 Hallowell-Litchfield Road
West Gardiner, Maine 04345
Phone: (207) 724-3784 
Text Box: Inside this issue:
Text Box: The Post Polio 
Support Group Of Maine

Summer 2005

Polio Update

 Summer 2005

Text Box: Ann Crocker, Publisher
Rick Meade, Editor

Our upcoming annual conference, “Celebrating Our History and Ourselves” will be held this year at the Calumet Club, 334 Northern Avenue in Augusta on September 10th.  This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Salk vaccine, and David Rose from the March of Dimes headquarters will talk about these past 50 years, bringing some memorabilia, as well.  Also, Dan Mooers from Rotary International will talk about Rotary’s goal to eradicate polio throughout the world, and share some interesting polio stories.


We’ve lived through an impressive history, and we’ve accomplished much in our lives.  While we may talk with each other occasionally and attend this annual conference, we don’t often hear about our activities.  There is a lot about us for which to be proud.  This year, we want to kick off what we hope will be an on-going process of learning more about each other.  As a start, the members of the Board of Directors have volunteered to initiate a special presentation about what the Board members do for entertainment, work, family activities, volunteer projects, work experience and arts and crafts. 


We’ll have a display table showing things we wish to share with you.  In addition, there will be people at each seating area to take notes from you.  We’d like to know what you want to see and hear at our conferences, in our newsletters or in our other activities.  If there are questions or comments you wish to share with the group later that same day, we plan to have time for that, too.  In subsequent years, we hope to encourage you to participate in these presentations and displays of our talents and accomplishments.

Representatives from the International Rehabilitation Center for Polio at Spaulding Rehabilitation Clinic in Framingham, Massachusetts will be key speakers who will let us know first hand about this important center for polio evaluation and rehab.  Also, these speakers will give us guidelines in approaching our own health professionals with such topics as:  1)how to obtain a physical evaluation, 2)what are the kinds of tests and procedures that are available, 3) what are proper techniques to preserve our physical strength, and 4) what are the types of products available that may aid and/or improve our abilities to move around.   They will also be conducting breakout sessions for more personal discussions.


A roast turkey dinner is the meal this year, and there will be snacks available in the morning and afternoon.  The Board approved continuing to keep the cost to attend this conference at $10.00, but, as usual, no one will be turned away who is unable to pay.  Once again, we’ll have a Silent Auction table for donations of new items, crafts, etc.  Thanks to the generous donations of so many of you, we have the funds to cover the additional costs incurred for the meal, rental space, and speakers.


If you have any questions about the conference, don’t hesitate to contact us:  c/o 674 Hallowell Litchfield Rd, W. Gardiner, Me  04345, phone 207-724-3784 or e-mail at abcrocker@prexar.com.

Date, Agenda Set for

2005 Annual Conference

Text Box: The Conference will begin at 9:00 AM sharp with President Reggie Arsenault leading us in a presentation from the Board members and ensuing events of the day.  We plan to adjourn around 3:00 or 3:30 PM.

September 10th             Conference News


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